Tuesday, January 15, 2008

My poor choice in careers

I coulda been a chef. I coulda gone into radio. I coulda gone to law school. But Nooooooooo...

Update: Oh, crud. The video has been removed, presumably by some copyright stormtrooper. So it goes.

The upshot was that it was a clip of a Simpsons episode featuring a candidate's debate and people, including bad-boy Nelson (the "Ha-Ha" kid) were ruthlessly mocking a print reporter on the moderator's panel, saying he was a relic in a dying industry. Principal Skinner then scolds Nelson for being mean, even if what he says is true. Believe me, it was funnier than I make it sound.


dogimo said...

Dang it! They took it down already.

What was the jist?

Magna said...

Ha ha! Your media is dying!

Sean Scully said...

Wait, would that be "Your media ARE dying"? Perhaps all your base belong to us. Oh, curse this English language.